Monday 1 July 2013

Young African Leaders Initiative welcomes LUSE youth call

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has commended calls by the Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) that youths in the country should embrace a culture of investing.

Recently, LuSE business development manager Munyumbu Mutwale stated the need to inculcate the culture of investment in the young people if the country is to achieve meaningful economic development. YALI President Andrew Ntewewe said the call by LuSE was commendable as young people are the core drivers of the national economic and must look at ways of investing money to safeguard their future.

Mr Ntewewe told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that young people must be seen to save money into accounts for education purposes, engaging in entrepreneurship schemes, and buying stock on the capital markets.

He however stated that government also needs to play a role in ensuring that youths save their money by creating an enabling environment for them to invest.Mr Ntewewe said government should create employment for youths to assist them with resources to undertake entrepreneurial initiatives which will in turn  provide opportunities for them to buy shares.

 He praised government for providing the Youth Empowerment Fund saying the initiative places youths in a better position economically.

The YALI leader advised that government publicises the fund for more youths to know about it and access the funds. Mr Ntewewe said many a time government came up with good programmes but young people did not fully benefit because of insufficient information on how to access the funds from the government.


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