Monday 1 July 2013

Constitutional making process a sham- YALI

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has described the on going constitutional making process as a sham which may not produce a people driven constitution in the stipulated time frame.

This follows revelations that the Technical committee has written to the Ministry of Justice requesting more time and more allocation of funds to complete its work.

YALI president Andrew Ntewewe noted that to this effect his organization has joined hands with the Oasis Forum to ensure that a Private Member’s Bill is passed in Parliament to ensure that the constitutional making process and the contents of the new constitution are protected by a legal framework.

Mr. Ntewewe said that if the current constitutional making process continues without a legal frame it will continue to gobble colossal sums of public funds which can be used for other developmental projects.

Mr. Ntewewe further observed that without a new constitution the country will continue having stunted national development due to policies in the current constitution that do not effectively support such progress.

The YALI president was speaking in an interview with Qfm.


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