Monday 1 July 2013

Formation of The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI)

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was formed with great inspiration of the President’s Forum with Young African Leaders, hosted by the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama at the White house in August 2010. After the Presidents forum in the USA, the US Embassy in Lusaka-Zambia facilitated a dialogue of young Zambians at the American Center at which the video of the president’s forum was aired and dialogue ensued among young people as to the next course of action. The young people were particularly inspired by President Obama’s remarks that This is a new moment of great promise. Only this time, we’ve learned that it will not be giants like Nkrumah and Kenyatta who will determine Africa’s future… It will be the young people brimming with talent and energy and hope who can claim the future that so many in previous generations never realized.” With such great inspiration and as a follow-up to the US Embassy-facilitated dialogue, enthusiastic and ecstatic young people from all walks of life brimming with so much energy and vigor continued to gather at the American center and hosted a series of meetings which culminated into the formation of an organization with the acronym,"Enter"

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was consequently registered and incorporated on 6th January 2011, as a company limited by guarantee under the laws of the Republic of Zambia. YALI is a non-partisan and non-profit making coalition of young leaders whose mission is to engage, support, and empower young people to effectively participate in democratic processes and decision-making, promote good governance, principled leadership and human rights. Our vision is “a Zambia anchored on a vibrant generation of young leaders who effectively contribute to good democratic governance and promote change, justice, peace and economic development.”

The Initiative is governed by the Articles of Association which provides for an elected Executive Board of five office bearers headed by the President. The YALI Executive Board establishes and overseas operations of the Secretariat. The YALI Secretariat comprises the President, two Program Managers; one in charge of Democracy and Governance and the other for Human Rights and Advocacy. The Accounts Assistant and two other supporting staff help to run the day-to-day activities of the organization. The Secretariat reports to the Advisory Council and the general membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Secretariat for the organization is located at Plot No. 5D Chilimbulu Road in Libala Township, Lusaka Zambia.



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